Like so other modern conveniences, it’s hard to imagine life without power point installations. We take them for granted, from our morning cup of coffee to watching TV, and powering the dozens of home appliances we use every day.


And, as ever more tech gadgets appear, we require easy access to power points to charge them. Our laptops, smart phones and tablets would just be expensive ornaments without regularly plugging in to our household electricity supply.

We all need more power point installations than ever before. These days it’s rare to find unused plug sockets in our homes. In fact most of us use extension cords with multi-plugs so that we can run a number of appliances from the same wall socket. We all know the irritations and space problems this can cause.

There’s a better way  

This obviously isn’t the ideal solution. It can overload our electrical circuits or damage our power points by drawing too much power from a single outlet. At best, this can cause our switchboards to trip. It can also damage the power point. Worst case scenarios include electrical shocks or fires.

Thankfully, there’s an easy solution that will make your home safer and your life more convenient. You can simply contact an electrician to install more power points so you’ll have all the outlets you need in all the right places.

Can I install my own power point?

No matter how much you fancy your DIY skills, if you aren’t an electrician yourself, that’s a hard no.

First, it’s extremely dangerous to do any electrical work that involves your mains power supply – even if you find a detailed “how to” video on YouTube. This kind of work should only be left to experienced, licensed professionals. You run the risk of serious electrocution or starting a fire that you can’t control if you attempt your own power point installation. Never underestimate the strength of the current flowing through your home.

Second, it’s illegal. As Energy Safe Victoria explains, when it comes to power point installation, there’s no DIY. There’s only DDIY – Don’t Do It Yourself. If you’re not a licensed electrician you could face fines between $4,000 and $100,000 if discovered. Get it wrong and someone is injured or worse, the criminal prosecution and imprisonment are on the table.

Further, if you do your own work of this nature, your home’s electrical system won’t be compliant with regulations. Only a qualified electrician can provide the authorities with a compliance certificate for your home. If you don’t have one you won’t be able to sell your house if you want to, and you may well face a local government inspection.

Lastly, you may void your household insurance, so you won’t be covered for electrical damage that might occur if you’ve tinkered with your home’s power supply.

The bottom line is that if you need additional power point installation you should always call a certified professional electrician to install power points.

Why new power point installation?

You’ll generally find four reasons for new power outlet installation:

  1. Your wall sockets show signs of damage
    Overloading a power point by running too many appliances off a multi-plug accessory can cause overheating, which damages the socket over time. Discolouration around the power point is a tell-tale sign of this, and you should call an electrician to inspect it, and replace it if necessary.


  2. You don’t have enough power points for your daily needs
    If you’re using the same wall socket to power many appliances or gadgets, you clearly don’t have enough power points. You probably find yourself using extension cords, which is such a hassle. New power point installations will sort this out.


  3. You need power points in different locations
    Some rooms, especially in older houses, might not even have any power sockets. Or you may need one where you’ve installed some new equipment that you don’t want to move.


  4. You have new appliances requiring more power
    If you want to run heavier appliances, like air conditioners or in a garage workshop, you’ll need wall sockets that can handle higher power loads. Your standard 10A home sockets deliver 10 amps of power, which isn’t enough. In this case you’ll require a 15A power point installation

Your choices of power points in Australia

It’s not difficult to get the right power points for your individual household needs. 

  • Single power point
    This is the most common type of power outlet installation. It’s the typical square plate with one plug socket.


  • Double power point
    As you can guess for yourself, this simply doubles the number of sockets in the face plate. With the increasing need for more outlets, this is also becoming commonplace in Aussie homes.


  • Power point with USB
    Power points with USB ports are wonderful new inventions – not only for gadget lovers, but also for families who know what it’s like competing for sockets to charge mobile devices.


  • Smart power points
    With the emergence of smart houses comes smart power point installation. These outlets allow you to control your connected appliances with remote devices, for example to switch your geyser on and off to save power.

What power point installation price can I expect?

The overall cost of power point installation is influenced by the number you install at any one time. The price of the physical materials can range from $75 to $150 per power point, depending on the type you choose. Then add an average electrician’s labour rate of around $80 per hour, and you’re in for anything from $160 to $230 for a single power point. However, it’s usually more cost-effective if you’re having multiple plug points installed at the same time.

The power point location will also impact the cost. Installing one in a convenient place obviously requires less effort and labour than putting one somewhere that’s hard to reach.

You should also consider that it’s more expensive to install more advanced smart power points, as these contain complex technology.

What if you need power point installation in Melbourne?

When you need to add new power points or replace damaged ones, call STL Electrical. We have a team of highly-qualified and experienced electricians who can look after all your power point installation needs – from advising on the best places to put them, to issuing compliance certificates.